Environment Sensors

Location: —




Noise Level


Very Poor

Category (Range) PM 10 PM 2.5 NO2 O3 CO SO2 CO2 AQI Temperature Humidity Noise level LUX UV
Good 0-50 0-30 0-40 0-50 0-1.0 0-40 0-700 0-50  10-40 0-50 0-40 100-1000 0-4
Satisfactory 51-100 31-60 41-80 51-100 1.1-2.0 41-80 701-1000 51-100 41-50 51-80 41-80 1001-5000 4.1-5
Moderate 101-250 61-90 81-180 101-168 2.1-10 41-380 1001-1500 101-200 51-60 81-90 81-90 5001-15000 5.1-7
Poor 251-350 91-120 181-280 169-208 10–17 381-800 1501-2500 201-300 61-70 91-100 91-110 15001-20000 7.1-9
Very poor 351-430 121-250 281-400 209-748 17-34 801-1600 2501-5000 301-400 71-80 101 + 111-140 20001-75000 9.1-10
Severe 431 + 251 + 400 + 749 + 34 + 1600 + 5001 + 401-500 81-100+ 141-180 75001-120,000 10+


The Environment Sensors are enabled with accurate sensing system to detect and measure various environmental parameters like Particulates, Gases, Noise, Light, Weather etc. Being an IoT solution it delivers real-time data to the central server system using various wired/wireless communication methods.

The City’s IoT based Environmental Sensors are integrated, advanced systems aimed to assume the manifold tasks involved with data and improve the quality of City’s environment. It enhances environmental monitoring capabilities includes the monitoring of the effect of environmental changes for humans, animals and plants. Pollution on the earth changes by augmenting air quality, aridity, humidity, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, landslides, green space and biodiversity impacts on the environment.

Large LED Display for viewing Environment Sensor Parameters

Dissemination of real-time status of air quality parameters through City Web portal, Mobile App and LED display. Ability to display data in easy to understand manner using text, color coded graphs/images, etc.